Sabtu, 18 April 2015

Oudh In Islam

Oud in Islam (1st part)


In Islam perfume occupies an esteemed place. To understand its importance, we must know that if in the West perfume is associated with the scent of seduction, in the Arab-Muslim world has an eminently spiritual character.

The Quran and hadith (sayings reported by the Prophet, salla lahu alayhi wa salam) show us that good smells are associated with all that is “close” to Allah Subhana wa Taala, like heaven or the Prophet, salla lahu alayhi wa salam. There are numerous hadith relating to fragrance, which is in itself an indication of its status.

The scholar Ibn al Qayyim explains the link between the perfume and the soul in Islam: “the good odor feeds the soul which is a source of strength and power increases by the fragrance. It is then good for the brain, the heart and all internal organs. It gladdens the heart and makes the soul happy and joyful.

It is what’s best for the soul and moreover in tune with it because there is a very close link between perfume and the good soul. “


The fragrance originates from al Jannah _ heaven, and fragrance reminds us of heaven. Its smell can be felt at a distance of 500 years of operation. Its floor is made of musk and saffron grass . It is reported about the people of Paradise that “their smell wil be the one of musk and incense burners will be fueled by the aloes / oud ” (Bukhari and Muslim) . For this reason they are sometimes called the oud of “fragrance of Paradise .”


For Muslims, the Prophet, salla lahu alayhi wa salam,is the perfect man , al insan al kamil , ” he was a walking Quran .” He is the model of all Muslims , his words and his acts for his sunna , its tradition that Muslims must follow and imitate.

The body of the Prophet, salla lahu alayhi wa salam,naturally emitted the sweetest of perfumes, even when he had not used any attar (perfume ) . Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) , one of his companions , said he ” never smelled any odor more perfumed than the one of the Prophet. Its odor was better than amber and musk . “

The books of hadith contain many traditions that evidence that. Companions even collected his sweat to make fragrance . When the Prophet, salla lahu wa salam, went somewhere , people knew he had to spend smelling the fragrant trail he had left there .

Muhammad alayhi wa salam

Moreover, the Prophet, salla lahu alayhi wa salam,loved the scent and had the habit of perfuming himself. He also spent more money on fragrance than food.

We have been reported that the companion “Anas ibn Malik did not refuse the itr (perfume ) and was accustomed to say that Rasulullah had never refused itr“.

In addition, the Prophet, salla lahu alayhi wa salam,said, according to an authentic hadith: “Among the goods in your world, it was given me to love three things : women, perfume, and the height of my satisfaction lies in the prayer “. It is therefore to Muslims who want to follow the sunna to love perfume and to love perfuming themselves.

What was the favorite fragrance of the Prophet ? We know he had the perfume made ​​from musk, “ the best type of fragrance” and Aisha , may Allah be pleased with, said that ” the fragrance that the Prophet loved most was the oud” ( Baghawi ) .

Oudyssée oud dahn al oud

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