Minggu, 24 Mei 2015

Why Oud so popular?

05/15/11 14:43:20 (43 comments)

by: Elena Knezhevich

Oud (agarwood, oudh, or aoud) has become an extremely fashionable ingredient during the last years. The East and the South have always been sources for exotic and often absolutely necessary ingredients for perfumes that are typically made in the West. However, agarwood has never received such popularity among western audiences in the perfume industry as in the past decade. The mass recognition for this ingredient (and I address the word “mass” to niche houses and exclusive lines) started at the beginning of the new millennium, and it seems to still roll on.

My thoughts were aroused by a comment from one of our readers who was wondering about the nature of this obsession with agarwood among perfumers. I believe we’re living through an exciting period of discovering new ingredients (but just conditionally, since the agarwood has already been known for centuries). Different scents were always dictating the fashion, which was at all times followed by perfumers and houses. Nowadays, public appreciation is frenzied by marketers’ propaganda, although this particular audience is a very demanding one because oud, by the force of its specific nature, hasn’t gone beyond the lines of niche houses.

One of the first propagators of agarwood in Europe was Pierre Montale, who lived and worked in the East, and returned to France with a collection of fragrances (the first French Aoud collection) based on precious agarwood at high concentrations. The perfumer presented this fragrance as the absolute king of its scents, with no consideration of disguising it or suppressing its force, as would later become a trend even in the scents of the maestro. This way, the curious bloggers had a chance to find out how  the wondrous agarwood actually smells, without even having the real oil in their hands. I remember the most common responses—everyone was describing the first notes as very strong, woody-metallic, almost medical. 

Montale has become very popular in Europe and the Middle East. Besides the superior quality of its fragrances, an important role in its popularity was enacted by the adventurous spirit of discovery, pushed by the evolution of the blogosphere. Montale presented aoud in dozens of combinations, strong and sharp, soft and warm, cold and distant—and very often, all of these combinations in a single composition. In Europe, it was appreciated as a daring novelty; in the East,  as a refined French approach to the traditional ingredients.

Montale was not the first to open the East to the West, and the skill of French perfumers to the East, but after his success, cooperation between the West and East sharply intensified. Houses actively began to open up for the attractive Arabian market, and Arabian houses, one after the other, started to present their luxurious perfume lines to Europeans. The fragrance is like a jewel affixed in gold and silver, and it costs no less than its dazzling bottle. Western houses actively supported this philosophy - oud cannot be casual by definition. It can only be special.

Oud has begun to appear, usually in the form of exclusive limited editions, opulently and carefully, in the avant-garde collections of perfumery houses that have already acquainted us with the exotics of the South, the East, and faraway islands (Comptoir Sud Pacifique, and later L'Artisan Parfumeur). Later, having oud in the assortment became a norm, especially for the luxury lines (By KilianTom FordArmani PriveDiorHenri Bendel, now joined by Creed).

Later, oud made its way into lines with topics that were quite far from those exotic Eastern themes, such as Juliette Has a Gun. Niche homes are literally competing to develop "the best oud," accentuating its oriental nature, challenging it in assorted compromising variants with fougere and aromatic notes, masking it with powdery flowers and trees, and even serving it with chocolate and honey (Aoud Gourmet by M.MicallefOudh Lacquer by Soivohle).

Oud has experienced an interesting transformation in the hands of western perfumers. It has become subtle and serious, as a well-tailored designer suit. It has lost its magical force enjoyed in the spatial palaces of its homeland, but has gained smooth and sophisticated European beauty. The active exploitation has deprived it of the magical aura of novelty, but in turn it gave us the pleasure of enjoying the master’s competition in winning the Middle East and in the olfactory education of the West.

Our choice is wide, and the high price of perfumes with oud is making us even more inclined. I’m not being ironic when I say I enjoy smelling each new oud with great delight, because it is a competition of artists. (Marketers are, fortunately, unable to “be of assistance,” other than generally pointing toward the East.)

New oud fragrance - CREED ROYAL OUD

Royal Oud has been introduced at Esxence in Milan (March 30-April 2, 2011). As Erwin Creed said, (in the interview for Extrait.it) Creed has created their oud fragrance as a response to the many requests they received from clients, but they have adapted the scent to the style of their house. Royal Oud doesn’t sound oriental, like a habitual ingredient of a traditional perfume from the Middle East. It is made for a European audience. 

In my experience, Royal Oud by Creed is nothing like the scents with loud and pronounced oud issued by many other houses. It is a stylish and warm fougere fragrance with a beautiful kaleidoscope of woody, aromatic green and spicy nuances. The note of oud is an integral part of the composition, playing its role in balanced equilibrium with other notes. Regardless of its classification as a unisex fragrance, I would rather address it to the men’s audience, as an easy but solemn composition which justifies the definition of Royal. The perfume has a nice aura which is not intrusive for others. After a long period of time (12 hours) the skin remains touched by the pleasant memory woven from gentle, almost feminine warm and balmy shades.

Sabtu, 18 April 2015

8 Benefits of Drinking Agarwood Loose Leaf Tea

I think the famous celeb Doctor Oz got us all thinking about the benefits of green tea. A ton of little-known herbal teas were brought into the forefront of media for their slimming and detox properties.

Some of these natural loose leaf teas may be new to us inNorth America, but they are not new in any sense of word to the world around us.

One such herbal tea is the virtually unheard of agarwood tea leaves. While it is a predominant force in Asian medicinal and spiritual practices, not too many of us have incorporated it into our health regime.

For those of you who are thinking about what you drink just as much as what you eat, agarwood tea leaves are a great alternative to a hot caffeinated tea, or a refreshing cold thirst quencher. With zero caffeine energy and natural hydration without the sugar, it gives you a power punch of surprising health benefits.


Top 8 Reasons to Drink Agarwood Tea Leaves:

1) It is a natural detoxifier

2) It is a natural way to remove harmful toxins from your body (such as mercury)

3) It is a natural diuretic to get your digestive system on “track”

4) It promotes healthy clear skin

5) It stabilizes blood sugar

6) It helps blood flow

7) It is caffeine and sugar free

8) It promotes a healthy body weight (yes it helps people LOSE weight)


Ways to Drink Agarwood Tea Leaves:

You can receive the same health benefits from drinking the tea either hot or cold.  Either, steep the leaves in boiling water, or strain and refrigerate to drink it cold.


Do’s and Don’ts of Agarwood Tea:  

Do ensure that you purchase a chemical free and premium product.

Do try and drink full leaf teas (did you know that bagged tea only uses the tips of tea leaves?)

Don’t get fooled into buying agarwood tea made from the bark of the tree (it is illegal and environmentally unsustainable).Don’t get trapped into buying large quantities, or low grade tea from wholesalers who seem to dominate the market (there are small business out there too).

Oudh In Islam

Oud in Islam (1st part)


In Islam perfume occupies an esteemed place. To understand its importance, we must know that if in the West perfume is associated with the scent of seduction, in the Arab-Muslim world has an eminently spiritual character.

The Quran and hadith (sayings reported by the Prophet, salla lahu alayhi wa salam) show us that good smells are associated with all that is “close” to Allah Subhana wa Taala, like heaven or the Prophet, salla lahu alayhi wa salam. There are numerous hadith relating to fragrance, which is in itself an indication of its status.

The scholar Ibn al Qayyim explains the link between the perfume and the soul in Islam: “the good odor feeds the soul which is a source of strength and power increases by the fragrance. It is then good for the brain, the heart and all internal organs. It gladdens the heart and makes the soul happy and joyful.

It is what’s best for the soul and moreover in tune with it because there is a very close link between perfume and the good soul. “


The fragrance originates from al Jannah _ heaven, and fragrance reminds us of heaven. Its smell can be felt at a distance of 500 years of operation. Its floor is made of musk and saffron grass . It is reported about the people of Paradise that “their smell wil be the one of musk and incense burners will be fueled by the aloes / oud ” (Bukhari and Muslim) . For this reason they are sometimes called the oud of “fragrance of Paradise .”


For Muslims, the Prophet, salla lahu alayhi wa salam,is the perfect man , al insan al kamil , ” he was a walking Quran .” He is the model of all Muslims , his words and his acts for his sunna , its tradition that Muslims must follow and imitate.

The body of the Prophet, salla lahu alayhi wa salam,naturally emitted the sweetest of perfumes, even when he had not used any attar (perfume ) . Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) , one of his companions , said he ” never smelled any odor more perfumed than the one of the Prophet. Its odor was better than amber and musk . “

The books of hadith contain many traditions that evidence that. Companions even collected his sweat to make fragrance . When the Prophet, salla lahu wa salam, went somewhere , people knew he had to spend smelling the fragrant trail he had left there .

Muhammad alayhi wa salam

Moreover, the Prophet, salla lahu alayhi wa salam,loved the scent and had the habit of perfuming himself. He also spent more money on fragrance than food.

We have been reported that the companion “Anas ibn Malik did not refuse the itr (perfume ) and was accustomed to say that Rasulullah had never refused itr“.

In addition, the Prophet, salla lahu alayhi wa salam,said, according to an authentic hadith: “Among the goods in your world, it was given me to love three things : women, perfume, and the height of my satisfaction lies in the prayer “. It is therefore to Muslims who want to follow the sunna to love perfume and to love perfuming themselves.

What was the favorite fragrance of the Prophet ? We know he had the perfume made ​​from musk, “ the best type of fragrance” and Aisha , may Allah be pleased with, said that ” the fragrance that the Prophet loved most was the oud” ( Baghawi ) .

Oudyssée oud dahn al oud

Minggu, 12 April 2015

Gaharu menurut Wikipedia.

Gaharu adalah kayu berwarna kehitaman dan mengandung resin khas yang dihasilkan oleh sejumlah spesies pohon dari marga/genusAquilaria, terutama A. malaccensis. Resin ini digunakan dalam industriwangi-wangian (parfum dan setanggi) karena berbau harum. Gaharu sejak awal era modern (2000 tahun yang lalu) telah menjadi komoditi perdagangan dari Kepulauan Nusantara ke IndiaPersiaJazirah Arab, serta Afrika Timur.

Berdasarkan studi dari Ng et al. (1997)[1], diketahui jenis-jenis berikut ini menghasilkan resin gaharu apabila terinfeksi oleh kapang gaharu :

  • Aquilaria apiculina, asal Filipina
  • Aquilaria baillonii, asal Thailanddan Kamboja
  • Aquilaria baneonsis, asal Vietnam
  • Aquilaria beccarain, asal Indonesia
  • Aquilaria brachyantha, asal Malaysia
  • Aquilaria crassna asal Malaysia, Thailand, dan Kamboja
  • Aquilaria cumingiana, asal Indonesia dan Malaysia
  • Aquilaria filaria, asal Tiongkok
  • Aquilaria grandiflora, asal Tiongkok
  • Aquilaria hilata, asal Indonesia dan Malaysia
  • Aquilaria khasiana, asal India
  • Aquilaria malaccensis, asal Malaysia, Thailand, dan India
  • Aquilaria microcarpa, asal Indonesia, Malaysia
  • Aquilaria rostrata, asal Malaysia
  • Aquilaria sinensis, asal Tiongkok
  • Aquilaria subintegra, asal Thailand

Rabu, 08 April 2015

6 Manfaat Daun Gaharu Untuk Kesehatan

Manfaat daun gaharu sudah dipercaya mengatasi berbagai jenis penyakit dan meningkakan kesehatan tubuh sejak zaman dahulu. Gaharu merupakan tanaman yang sudah banyak digunakan sebagai obat herbal di China, Jepang dan Thailand. Daun gaharu mengandung senyawa baik yaitu senyawa. Senyawa tersebut merupakan senyawa alami yang banyak dikenal memilki banyak manfaat seperti mengurangi efek penuaan. 

Pada saat di perut, Genkwanin glikosida akan mengeluarkan senyawa Asetilkolin yang dapat melancarkan proses pencernaan serta gerakan usus yang lebih sehat dan mampu menyerap merkuri. Daun gaharu juga bisa dijadikan sebagai teh yang mampu menjadi penawar toksin dalam tubuh. Selain itu dapat memberikan efek penenang yang mampu menekan saraf pusat. Disarankan sebelum tidur konsumsilah teh gaharu agar saat bangun keesokan harinya terlihat segar dan bugar.

Teh gaharu terbuat dari daun muda tanaman penghasil gaharu. Teh ini tidak hanya enak diminum, tetapi juga nikmat diminum saat suasana dingin sebagai penghangat tubuh dan juga mempunyai khasiat yang bagi tubuh.

Dalam kitab Al-Qanun Fi-Tib yang dikarang oleh bapak kedokteran dunia yaitu Ibnu Sina meguraikan manfaat gaharu yang mampu untuk menyembuhkan dan mencegah penyakit yang ada di setiap tubuh manusia mulai dari pikiran sampai urat-urat saraf. Hal tersebut dipertegaskan dengan adanya kandungan senyawa aktif agrospirol yang ada di daun gaharu. Senyawa tersebut dapat menekan system saraf pusat sehingga menimbulkan efek tenang dan membantu kebugaran tubuh kita. 

Sumber foto dari : http://herbadantumbuhan.blogspot.nl/2012/07/gaharu-untuk-rohani-dan-jasmani.html

Khasiat Daun Gaharu

Apa sajakah manfaat dari daun gaharu yang juga digunakan sebagai teh gaharu ini ? Ini dia penjelasan lebih lengkapnya !

  • Sebagai obat untuk menenangkan pikiran, stress dan ketegangan, karena senyawa aktif yang terdapat dalam daun gaharu dapat menekan sytem syaraf pusat.
  • Dapat memberikan efek kebugaran, anti sembelit dan memperlancar pencernaan dengan meminum teh gaharu sebelum tidur.
  • Mampu menyerap kandungan merkuri dalam tubuh, mengurangi dampak penuaan karena merkuri.
  • Mampu mengurangi kadar kolesterol di dalam darah dan juga disertai olahraga yang teratur.
  • Mengatasi sukar tidur atau insomnia
  • Dapat dijadikan anti oksidan dan mencegah radikal bebas dari dalam.


Sabtu, 04 April 2015

Agarwood Tea

Agarwood Tea is high in polyphenols. Polyphenols are naturally occurring antioxidants that help to boost the metabolism and help burn fat. Polyphenols also lower cholesterol absoption, and, flush the system and remove excess fats. Antioxidants are well known for their capability to combat free radicals, thus, reducing inflamation and general aches and pains.

A University of Tokushima School of Medicine study found that people who regularly drank herbal teas high in polyphenols, such as Agarwood Tea, more than doubled the calorie-burn off when compared to those who consumed the same amount of regular green tea. The fat-burning qualities are only a small part of the benefits of drinking Agarwood Tea.

Agarwood Tea the aids body to adsorb carbohydrates. A carbohydrate 'rush' causes blood sugar to spike and the resultant pancreatic insulin release will lower blood sugar levels and create the craving for more carbs. Drink Agarwood Tea to break this cycle. Replace your regular drinks with Agarwood Tea, feel better and watch the weight start to disappear. Drink Agarwood Tea 20 minutes before eating. Boost your metabolic rate by drinking Agarwood Tea between meals. You naturally burn more calorie and consume less. Combine with a healthy diet, drink plenty of water and also get regular exercise, you will not only look better, but feel better.

A cup of Agarwood Tea at bedtime will assist a good nights sleep and a regular bowel movement the next morning. High levels of genkwanin glycosides in Agarwood Tea assist digestive function. A regular bowel that expels toxins and detrimental micro organisms allows the body to absorb vitamins more effectively. Mercury, a toxin believed to accelerate the aging process, is removed from the body as part of this proccess. 

Sourcelink: http://www.agarwoodgreen.com/health.html